Nazov / Name:
Popis / Description:
Dlzka / Length:
Testovane pod / Tested under:


p078.html / p078.zip
Cas vo formularovom riadku (tik, tak)
NN 4.04, IE 4.0


Zdrojovy tvar / Source code:

<html> <head> <title> JavaScript DESTINATION - P078 </title> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function modRange (value, min, max) { if (min == max) { return (min) } var low = Math.min (min, max) var high = Math.max (min, max) var range = high - low + 1 var valOff = parseInt (value) - low var mod = range * Math.floor (valOff / range) result = low + valOff - mod if (result < low) { result += high } if (result > high) { result = low } return (result) } function array () { this[0] = null } function timerAppStart () { this.stop () this.loop () } function timerAppStop () { clearTimeout (this.timeout) this.timeout = null } function timerAppToggle () { if (this.timeout) { this.stop () } else { this.start () } } function timerAppLoop () { this.update () command = this.name + '.loop()' for (var i = 0; i < this.syncCount; i++) { if (this.syncName[i] != '') { if (--this.syncCountdown[i] <= 0) { this.syncCountdown[i] = this.syncInterval[i] command += ';' + this.syncName[i] + '.update()' } } } this.timeout = setTimeout (command, this.interval) } function timerAppSetOutput (output) { if (! this.output) { this.output = output } } function timerAppSetInterval (interval) { if (interval) { var newInterval = parseInt (interval) if (newInterval > 0) { this.interval = newInterval } else { alert ('Interval value must be a positive number: ' + interval) } } } function timerAppSync (name, interval) { if (interval == null) { interval = 1 } if (interval <= 0) { eval (this.name + '.unsync("' + name + '")') return } var newIndex = this.syncCount for (var i = 0; i < this.syncCount; i++) { if (this.syncName[i] == name) { newIndex = i break } } if (newIndex == this.syncCount) { this.syncCount++ } this.syncInterval[newIndex] = interval this.syncCountdown[newIndex] = interval this.syncName[newIndex] = name } function timerAppUnsync (name) { for (var i = 0; i < this.syncCount; i++) { if (this.syncName[i] == name) { this.syncName[i] = '' if (i == (this.syncCount - 1)) { this.syncCount-- } } } } function timerAppSetIncrement (increment) { if (increment) { var newIncrement = parseInt (increment) if (newIncrement != 0) { this.increment = newIncrement } else { alert ('Increment value must be a number: ' + increment) } } } function timerAppSetBounce (bounce) { if (bounce) { var newBounce = parseInt (bounce) if (newBounce != 0) { this.bounce = newBounce } else { alert ('Bounce value must be a number: ' + bounce) } } } function timerAppSetOffset (offset) { if (offset) { var newOffset = parseInt (offset) if ((newOffset > 0) && (newOffset <= this.output.length)) { this.offset = newOffset } else { warnMessage = 'Value of offset must be a valid index (0 - ' + this.output.length + '): ' + offset alert (warnMessage) } } } function clock (name, output, interval) { this.name = name this.output = null this.interval = 1000 this.timeout = null this.syncCount = 0 this.syncName = new array () this.syncInterval = new array () this.syncCountdown = new array () this.update = clockUpdate this.start = timerAppStart this.stop = timerAppStop this.toggle = timerAppToggle this.loop = timerAppLoop this.setOutput = timerAppSetOutput this.setInterval = timerAppSetInterval this.sync = timerAppSync this.unsync = timerAppUnsync this.setOutput (output) this.setInterval (interval) this.start() } function clockUpdate () { var now = new Date() var timeHH = now.getHours(); var timeMM = now.getMinutes() var timeSS = now.getSeconds() var msec = now.getTime () var timeSSm = msec - 1000 * Math.floor (msec / 1000) timeSSm = '00' + timeSSm timeSSm = timeSSm.substring(timeSSm.length-3, timeSSm.length) var timeString = ((timeHH < 10) ? '0' : '') + timeHH + ':' + ((timeMM < 10) ? '0' : '') + timeMM + ':' + ((timeSS < 10) ? '0' : '') + timeSS + '.' + timeSSm if (this.output) { this.output.value = timeString } else { self.status = timeString } } function buttons (name, output, interval, increment, bounce, offset) { this.name = name this.output = null this.interval = 1000 this.increment = 1 this.bounce = 1 this.offset = 0 this.timeout = null this.syncCount = 0 this.syncName = new array () this.syncInterval = new array () this.syncCountdown = new array () this.update = buttonsUpdate this.start = timerAppStart this.stop = timerAppStop this.toggle = timerAppToggle this.loop = timerAppLoop this.setOutput = timerAppSetOutput this.setInterval = timerAppSetInterval this.sync = timerAppSync this.unsync = timerAppUnsync this.setIncrement = timerAppSetIncrement this.setBounce = timerAppSetBounce this.setOffset = timerAppSetOffset this.setOutput (output) this.setInterval (interval) this.setIncrement (increment) this.setBounce (bounce) this.setOffset (offset) this.start() } function buttonsUpdate () { if (this.output) { var newOffset = this.offset + this.increment if ((newOffset < this.output.length) && (newOffset >= 0)) { this.offset = newOffset } else { this.increment *= this.bounce if (this.increment >= 0) { this.increment = modRange (this.increment, 0, this.output.length-1) } else { this.increment = 0 - modRange (Math.abs (this.increment), 0, this.output.length-1) } this.offset += this.increment this.offset = modRange (this.offset, 0, this.output.length-1) } this.output[this.offset].checked = true } } // --> </script> </head> <body onLoad='wClock=new clock("wClock",document.clock.display); wButtons=new buttons("wButtons",document.rasto.buttons,500,1,-1); wButtons.stop(); wClock.sync("wButtons",1)'onUnload='wClock.stop(); wButtons.stop()'> <FORM NAME='clock' ACTION=''> <FONT SIZE=5> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="display" SIZE="11"> </FONT> </FORM> <FORM NAME='rasto'> <P> <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='buttons'> Tik <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='buttons'> Tak <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='buttons'> Tik <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='buttons'> Tak <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='buttons'> Tik </FORM> </FONT> </body> </html>
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