Nazov / Name:
Popis / Description:
Dlzka / Length:
Testovane pod / Tested under:


p170.html /
Reklamna tabula s posuvajucim sa textom
NN 4.04, IE 4.0


Zdrojovy tvar / Source code:

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JavaScript DESTINATION - P170</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <IMG SRC="blank.gif" NAME="holdspace" ID="holdspace" WIDTH="390" HEIGHT="28" STYLE="visibility:hidden; position:relative;"> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- var NS4 = (document.layers) ? true : false; var IE4 = (document.all) ? true : false; var interval = 20; var increment = 1; var pause = 1000; var bannerColor = "yellow"; var leftPadding = 3; var topPadding = 1; var bannerLeft = (NS4) ? document.images.holdspace.x : holdspace.offsetLeft; var bannerTop = (NS4) ? document.images.holdspace.y : holdspace.offsetTop; var bannerWidth = (NS4) ? document.images.holdspace.width : holdspace.width; var bannerHeight = (NS4) ? document.images.holdspace.height : holdspace.height; var ar = new Array( '<font size="5">Vitam vas na stranke</font>', '<font size="5">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Na tychto strankach mozete najst</font>', '<font size="5">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;v sucasnej dobe vyse 170 skriptov.</font>', '<font size="5"></font>', '' ); onload = startBanner; function showMessage(n, show) { var whichEl = (NS4) ? eval("message" + n) : eval("message" + n + ".style"); whichEl.visibility = (show) ? ((NS4) ? "show" : "visible") : ((NS4) ? "hide" : "hidden"); } function nextMessage() { var fromInd = current; current = (fromInd == ar.length - 1) ? 0 : fromInd + 1; scrollBanner(fromInd, current); } function moveUp() { if (NS4) { -= increment; if ( - increment <= toElTarget) { = toElTarget; clearInterval(intervalID); fromEl.visibility = "hide"; timeoutID = setTimeout("nextMessage()", pause); } else { -= increment; } } else { fromEl.pixelTop -= increment; if (toEl.pixelTop - increment <= toElTarget) { toEl.pixelTop = toElTarget; clearInterval(intervalID); fromEl.visibility = "hidden"; timeoutID = setTimeout("nextMessage()", pause); } else { toEl.pixelTop -= increment; } } } function scrollBanner(from, to) { if (NS4) { fromEl = eval("message" + from); toEl = eval("message" + to); = + bannerHeight; toElTarget =; } else { fromEl = eval("message" + from + ".style"); toEl = eval("message" + to + ".style"); toEl.pixelTop = fromEl.pixelTop + bannerHeight; toElTarget = fromEl.pixelTop; } showMessage(to, true); intervalID = setInterval("moveUp()", interval); } function makeIE() { var text = '<DIV ID="banner" STYLE="position:absolute">'; for (var i = ar.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { text += '<DIV ID="message' + i + '" STYLE="position:absolute"></DIV>'; } text += '</DIV>'; document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", text); with ( { width = bannerWidth; height = bannerHeight; clip = "rect(0 " + bannerWidth + " " + bannerHeight + " 0)"; backgroundColor = bannerColor; pixelLeft = bannerLeft; pixelTop = bannerTop; } for (i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { with (eval("message" + i + ".style")) { visibility = "hidden"; pixelLeft = leftPadding; pixelTop = topPadding; width = bannerWidth - leftPadding; backgroundColor = bannerColor; } } } function makeNS() { banner = new Layer(bannerWidth); with (banner) { clip.right = bannerWidth; clip.bottom = bannerHeight; document.bgColor = bannerColor; left = bannerLeft; top = bannerTop; visibility = "show"; } for (var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { eval("message" + i + " = " + "new Layer(bannerWidth - leftPadding, banner)"); with(eval("message" + i)) { visibility = "hide"; left = leftPadding; top = topPadding; document.bgColor = bannerColor; } } } function fillBanner() { var whichEl; if (NS4) { for (var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { whichEl = eval("message" + i); whichEl.document.write(ar[i]); whichEl.document.close(); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { whichEl = eval("message" + i); whichEl.innerHTML = ar[i]; } } } function startBanner() { if (NS4) makeNS() else makeIE(); fillBanner(); showMessage(0, true); current = 0; timeoutID = setTimeout("nextMessage()", pause); } //--> </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML>
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